It Tastes Just Like It Smells-The Bogmen RETURN!

Posted: May 24, 2010 by scalerious in Music
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After a nearly 10 year hiatus, The Bogmen are back with new songs. And I’m here to tell you THEY ARE AWESOME!

Here’s the title track to their EP, “Looking for Heaven in the Barrio” (it’s up on iTunes, go and buy it)

This one is titled “Oceans Apart”

So who are the Bogmen?

In 1995, after playing every bar, club and retirement home in the Tri state area, the band from Long Island was signed to Arista records and released “Life Begins at 40 Million”. Not only was it an instant alt-rock classic, but to every high school and college kid from Long Island it said, “your local guys made it”.

Front man Bill Campion was never a disappointment.  I remember one night at Mulcahy’s in Wantagh, he came out dressed half in drag, a supposed reference to one of their more popular songs, “Suddenly”.

Now nearly 10 years later, he is still a surprise to watch. This past Friday at the Highline Ballroom in NYC he came out dressed as a kind of psychedelic vacuum cleaner salesman from the 60’s. Complete with swirly face paint and a flapper’s feather headress. And it reminded me how much I love bands with amazing lead singers. Talk about a showman, this guy puts on a show!

In 1999 their second album came out, Closed Caption Radio and … crickets…

Supposedly the band was unhappy with their label and broke up, but the Bogmen had left their mark. If you meet anyone who grew up on LI in the mid 90’s chances are they’ve been to a Bogmen show.

I found this video from a documentary called, “It Tastes Just Like It Smells: The Story of the Bogmen”. It’s a compilation of the guys performing “Englewood”

I MUST see this doc. If anyone knows how I can get a copy of this please post in the comments.

It seems as if the Bogmen are poised for a major return and if they are, you’re going to have to hear these songs, the new AND the old. In the wake of Friday night’s show, I’ve been listening to” Life Begins at 40 Million” all weekend and it truly is a classic album. Seriously it never gets old.

Where ya been guys? We missed you.

As a parting thought, here’s the video for another new song, “Supervision” They opened the show with this video and is much more like the show they put on. Enjoy

  1. info says:

    you actually could have purchased that documentary at friday’s show.
    Contact or the band and you can easily get the dvd of that.

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